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Feedback and support

Our team strives to be better for you! We collect feedback from visitors and process it quickly, answering questions and taking all suggestions into account. Please fill in the short feedback form at the bottom of the page if you plan to.

- buying advertising or planning to cooperate;
- make a suggestion on how to improve performance;
- report a bug in the way a project works;
- complain about a user.

Feedback form

When filling in the fields, please make sure that the email address you have entered is correct and describe as clearly as possible the nature of the problem to be solved. If possible, please provide a link to the publication and other information about the request: date and time of the incident, screenshot of the problem or error. To ensure that the request is quickly reviewed by the right professional and receives the right response, please choose the most appropriate subject for your message.

Attention! Would you like to receive a reply to your query? Be sure to mention this in the body of your message

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